Call for aid to the self-employed, SMEs and micro-SMEs due to the crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Provincial Funds. Annuity 2023

Convocatoria de ayudas a autónomos, pymes y micropymes con motivo de la crisis causada por la invasión de Ucrania por parte de Rusia. Fondos Diputación. Anualidad 2023

The purpose of this aid is to protect the general interest, minimizing the economic impact that the aforementioned crisis is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, the self-employed and other groups subject to mutual societies of the municipality of Torrevieja in the context of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, as an economic injection measure to counteract the effects that SMEs are suffering from the indiscriminate rise
of prices, operating costs and interest rates, so as to preserve their continuity once this situation is normalized.

The purpose of these rules is to regulate the granting of subsidies aimed at minimizing the economic impact that the current crisis, arising from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, is having on SMEs, micro-SMEs, the self-employed and other groups subject to mutual societies in the municipality of Torrevieja.

The subsidy to be received is considered “ex post” since funds are provided to the beneficiary in response to an eligible activity already carried out and a subsidy “post payable” since it is paid after the beneficiary pays for the eligible activity.

Budget credit:
The amount allocated to cover these subsidies amounts to a total amount of €694,387.00, funds coming entirely (100%) from the Excma. Provincial Council of Alicante.

Amount of aid:
The maximum subsidy to be received may reach €8,000.00 per applicant, always with the limitation of the budgetary credit allocated.

The amount of the subsidy may in no case exceed the total amount of the eligible expense correctly justified by the beneficiary.

In the event that the available credit, based on the number of approved applications that meet the necessary requirements to access the status of beneficiaries, is not sufficient to attend to all of them, a proportional reduction will be applied to the amount of all and each of the individual aid granted, in accordance with the provision contained in article 22.1. end of the LGS.

Submission deadline:
The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 business days from the day following the publication of the extract of the call in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.

The request will be made only through the Electronic Headquarters of the Torrevieja City Council, completing the application forms and attaching the required documentation.

Interested parties are asked to carefully read the bases to determine the annexes and other documentation that must be accompanied with the application.