The City Council acquires a coffin lifting platform for the Torrevieja Municipal Cemetery

The start of the file for the acquisition of this lift began in 2020 by this Government team, after up to two occasions with the previous government team the award process was left deserted.
The Torrevieja City Council has already acquired the autonomous coffin lifting platform, which was awarded to the Zaragoza company MARCO TALLER CERRAJERÍA SL, for a global amount of 27,588 euros (VAT included).

The councilor delegate for Cemeteries, Sandra Sánchez, has shown her satisfaction at having been able to acquire this platform, which is very necessary in the Torrevieja cemetery, in order to have the adequate auxiliary means.

During the processing time of the file, the cemetery staff has been able to count on a rental platform to reach levels 4 and 5 of the niche blocks, thus being able to carry out the tasks of exhumation or burial.

Sandra Sánchez has reported that the start of the file for the acquisition of this coffin lifter began in 2020 by this Government team, after up to two occasions with the previous government team the award process was left deserted. Several years have passed since then, adds the mayor, but it has been completed successfully and the Torrevieja Municipal Cemetery already owns this specific lifting platform for coffins, essential for burial in the niches located on the upper levels.

Finally, Sandra Sánchez has reported that the company awarded the coffin lift will be providing training to the municipal staff of the Cemetery for their correct use of handling and safety and health of the same.