Theater at the Cultural Center to commemorate the International Day Against Gender Violence

This coming Sunday, November 21, at 7:00 p.m., the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, on the occasion of the International Day against Gender Violence (November 25), will represent the play "Dollhouse", by Henrik Ibsen, directed by José Manuel Vidal.
SYNOPSIS Since she was a child, Nora (Isabel Pardines) has always been subject to the will of the men who have surrounded her. For this reason, for her, being the doll her husband Héctor (José Vicente Soriano) plays with is the most normal thing in the world. But the unexpected visit of her friend Cristina (Lucía Iñesta / Lucía Espinosa), the illness of the best friend of the family, Dr. Ramos (Paco Pando) and the revelation of something secret, known only to Nora and Mr. Pardo ( José Manuel Vidal), will cause Nora to finally realize that her life must change and that she cannot continue living in a dollhouse.

When Henrik Ibsen wrote "Dollhouse" surely he was not aware that he was possibly writing the first great feminist work in history, but that at the end of the 19th century someone was capable of writing a work that tells us about a woman, who is fed up To endure the psychological abuse of her husband, to be able to leave leaving everything, including her children, was something really brave and that said a lot about the author's critical character with those who thought that supremacy was something logical.

When we talk about abuse, physical abuse always comes to mind, but the psychological one can be as harsh and humiliating as the other, because there is possibly nothing more humiliating than not having the possibility of a person being themselves, with its strengths and weaknesses, and with the world's right to make its own decisions, whether they are correct or not.

In theory Nora has nothing to complain about. She has a loving husband, three wonderful children, and she doesn't have to worry about a thing. He tells her what to do, how to speak, how to behave, how to dress, as if it were a doll. And she assumes the situation as if it were the most normal thing in the world. But circumstances will change everything and for Nora to discover that possession and love are not the same thing, leading her to slam the most famous door in the history of literature.

Unfortunately the world is still full of "Noras" who do not dare to react and slam that door that changes their lives forever.


-NORA: Isabel Pardines

-HECTOR: José Vicente Soriano

-Dr. RAMOS: Paco Pando

-CRISTINA: Lucía Iñesta / Lucía Espinosa

-PARDO: José Manuel Vidal.