The Intersectoral and Participation Table for Community Action in Health is established

Mesa intersectorial salud
This morning, Wednesday, March 3, in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, the Intersectoral and Participation Table for Community Action in Health was established, chaired by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón. This table is a fundamental instrument for the local implementation of the Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy in the National Health System.

It is a space that brings together socio-health representatives, health centers, professionals, the educational community, associations and the City Council, to network in the prevention and promotion of health in the locality and promote consensus in the decisions that condition or determine the quality of life of citizens.

The objective of this Health Roundtable is to improve the quality of life of the people of Torrevieja through comprehensive initiatives promoted by the municipality, with the contributions and consensus of the social, economic, sports, educational fabric, and health professionals. and the entities in the socio-health field, together with municipal technicians from various areas.

In addition to the mayor, who presides, there are the Councilor for Public Health, Rosa Cañón; the Councilor for Sports and Health, Diana Box; the councilor of Social Welfare, Óscar Urtasun; the Youth Councilor, Domingo Paredes; the councilor of International Residents, Gitte Lund; as well as representatives of health promotion associations, a professional from the primary care team, a representative of the School Council, and up to a maximum of eight members designated by the presidency of the table among the associations or entities whose corporate purpose is related to social determinants of health and health promotion. In addition, a representative of the legally constituted youth associations whose scope of action includes the municipality, elected among themselves, a representative of the Municipal Children's Council, and a professional from the Public Health Center designated by the Directorate of the corresponding Public Health Center .