The Local Government Board approves the award of the drafting of the project of the works for the completion of the Poniente Dam

The Project will include a proposal for a viewpoint as a finishing element of the dock at its southeast end, which allows the views of that area facing the sea to be contemplated in a safe, attractive and obstacle-free way, as well as the creation of a living space and playtime
Last Friday, May 3, the Local Government Board (JGL) approved the award of the drafting of the works project for the completion of the Poniente Dam, through advance processing of the expense, a contract based on the Framework Agreement, Lot 7.

The drafting of the project has been awarded to the company CAYETANO BERNABÉ INGENIERO Y ASOCIADOS, SL, JORGE JUAN BERNABÉ BROTONS and SALVADOR MORENO ZAMBUDIO, UTE, for an award amount of 59,711.58 euros (VAT included). The contract execution period will be 60 days, counting from the date of notification of the award agreement by the Contracting Body.

The Poniente Dam constitutes an element of high urban interest, since on the one hand it expands public space for citizens and, on the other, it is a top-level tourist resource just like the Levante Dam. Likewise, its connection with Avenida Desiderio Rodríguez and Avenida de Pinoso represents an essential junction for the circulation of the city.

After several work meetings between the mayor of Torrevieja and those responsible for the public company ACUAMED, SA, it was agreed by both parties that, in view of the fact that the procedures to carry out these projects were not being streamlined and were taking forever, and Due to the concern expressed by citizens due to so much delay, it would be the Torrevieja City Council itself that would take on the drafting of the project to complete the Poniente Dike promenade. For all these reasons, once the project is drawn up by the winning company, it will be delivered to ACUAMED so that they can carry out the completion works.


In the scope of action, in an approximate area of 7,240 m2, the execution works of the promenade are unfinished, so the aim is to complete the urbanization and replace the degraded infrastructures that need their replacement and adaptation to the conditions established by the legislation. current. All of this with the aim of solving the problems that arise in the area, improving the quality of life and services of the neighbors.

Units will be established that improve the safety conditions of users, the durability of the materials used, the efficiency in their maintenance and the energy efficiency of the work units, paying special attention to the furniture elements to be placed: lighting, pergolas, litter bins, fountains, and other elements of the urbanization for replacement.

Finally, a viewpoint proposal will be made as a finishing element of the Poniente Dam at its southeastern end, which will allow the views of that area facing the sea to be contemplated in a safe, attractive and obstacle-free way, as well as the creation of a space for stay and recreation. In addition, the connection with the roundabout on Avenida Desiderio Rodríguez and Avenida Doctor Gregorio Marañón will be resolved.