The Resolution of December 13, 2022, of the Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies, published in the DOGV of December 15, 2022, grants the Torrevieja City Council a grant for the "Professional care bag for families with daughters and sons" program under 16 years of age” for an amount of 30,000 euros.
With the aim of providing resources that favor the reconciliation of personal, family and work life, the following activities have been carried out.
Spring school.
This activity was organized for the week of April 19 to 22, with the collaboration of Colegio Salvador Ruso.
Summer school.
The summer school project includes three programs
2.1.Occupation and free time activities for minors of the age of Se development in the months of July and August.
2.2 School canteen, for families that needed the complement of this service.
2.3 Seahorse Program, for minors with reduced capacities, which was organized from July 25 to August 12
This project could be carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Acequión, Gratiniano Baches and Salvador Ruso Centers.
Summer camps.
It was developed from August 16 to 30, a project carried out by the Sports and Equality Departments in the municipal sports facilities.