Prior Public Consultation

The purpose of the prior public consultation procedures is to gather the opinions of the public on the future texts of regulatory provisions through the web portal of the corresponding Administration.

The prior public consultation will allow the opinion of the recipients of the future regulation to be taken into account even before it is planned, when all regulation options are open, which implies reinforcing, to a large extent, participation. In addition, it will help reduce administrative discretion in the exercise of regulatory authority.

The issues on which an opinion and / or suggestion may be issued are:
a) The problems to be solved with the regulatory initiative
b) The need and timing of its approval
c) The objectives of the regulatory standard
d) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions

Below is a list of the initiatives and regulatory proposals for which this process is open, indicating the title and the date on which the consultation period ends.

Ordinance for the management of the "Aid program for rehabilitation actions at the neighborhood level", PRTR, according to RD 853/2021

FILE NUMBER: 36890/2020

Publication date: 05/22/2024

Term end date: 10 business days.


MAKES KNOW: That through a proposal signed by me, dated March 15, 2023, the process has been initiated for the drafting and approval of the Ordinance for the management of the "Aid program for rehabilitation actions at the neighborhood level", PRTR, according to RD 853/2021, which aims to regulate the general legal regime of the actions of the Torrevieja City Council as Agent and Manager of Rehabilitation in the areas delimited by the “ERRP Torrevieja”

Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be made in writing addressed to the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council in person or through electronic office, with reference to the file number and matter that appear in the header, within a period of 10 days. business days counting from the day following publication.

Participation of citizens in the regulation development procedure.

Participation of citizens in the procedure for preparing the regulations for the new regulation relating to the creation and operation of the Technical Commission for Social Intervention, the Technical Commission for the evaluation and monitoring of Economic Benefits and the Organizational Technical Commission.


In application of article 133.1 of Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, the Department of Social Welfare submits to prior public consultation the next preparation of a draft REGULATION FOR THE NEW REGULATION RELATING TO THE CREATION AND OPERATION OF THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL INTERVENTION, THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND THE TECHNICAL ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE .

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the problems that are intended to be solved with the initiative, the need and opportunity for its approval, the objectives of the standard and the possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions are described in the REPORT ATTACHED below. .

Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be made within 20 business days from the day following the publication of this report on the Torrevieja City Council web portal.

And through some of the following channels of participation:

a) Addressed to the following email:

b) In the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council


FILE NUMBER: 36890/2020

Publication date: 02/06/2024

Term end date: 20 business days.


The Mayor-President of the Hon. Torrevieja City Council, and by delegation, the Councilor-Delegate of Urban Cleaning and Waste Management, makes it known:

To comply with the provisions of art. 133.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, prior to the preparation of the “Local Waste Plan of the Torrevieja City Council” project, a public consultation must be held to gather the opinion of the subjects and the most representative organizations potentially affected by the future ordinance. In order to facilitate public consultation prior to the preparation of said Ordinance, a Technical Report is published on the statements indicated and that respond to:

a) The problems that the initiative is intended to solve.

b) The need and opportunity for its approval.

c) The objectives of the standard.

d) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions.

Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be made in writing addressed to the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council in person or through electronic office, with reference to the file number and matter that appear in the header, within a period of 20 days. business days counting from the day following publication.


FILE NUMBER: 16329/2022

Publication date: 12/20/2023

Term end date (20 business days): 01/22/2024


The Mayor-President of the Hon. Torrevieja City Council, informs: That on December 18, 2023, by Decree No. 2023-9367 (CSV: 3RCD94SPZXTGEYP3G65JJX25Z), on the subject: “Expd. 2976/2023. Emergency plan against water risk in Torrevieja” resolved the following:

“…. 1. Order the public exhibition, for a period of 20 business days, of the Emergency Plan against water risk in Torrevieja, which can be found at the link: PAMIN_TRV2023 ( Public Part). Municipal Action Plan against the Risk of Floods in TORREVIEJA. …”

What is made public in compliance with and in accordance with the provisions of article 23 of Law 13/2010, of November 23, on Civil Protection and Emergency Management, and article 7, letter 3) of Law 19/2013, of December 9, transparency, access to public information and good governance.

Link: PAMIN_TRV2023


To comply with the provisions of art. 133.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, prior to the preparation of the project “Ordinance for the use of the Market Venue for Fair attractions, activities, booths and stalls. similar nature”, a public consultation must be held to gather the opinion of the subjects and the most representative organizations potentially affected by the future ordinance.

In order to facilitate public consultation prior to the preparation of said Ordinance, a Technical Report is published on the statements indicated and that respond to:

a) The problems that the initiative is intended to solve.

b) The need and opportunity for its approval.

c) The objectives of the standard.

d) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions.

Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be made in writing addressed to the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council in person or through electronic office, with reference to the file number and matter that appear in the header, within a period of 20 days. business days counting from the day following publication.

Public Consultation prior to the preparation of the municipal Ordinance regulating rehabilitation works in the Residential Environment of Programmed Rehabilitation of Torrevieja.

Public Consultation prior to the preparation of the municipal Ordinance regulating rehabilitation works in the Residential Environment of Programmed Rehabilitation of Torrevieja.

By virtue of the foregoing and in accordance with the provisions of article 133 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (LPACAP), with the aim of improving citizen participation in the procedure for drafting the standards, prior to the drafting of the municipal ordinance regulating rehabilitation works in the Residential Environment of Programmed Rehabilitation of Torrevieja, the interested parties are informed of the consultation in order to collect the opinion of those who may be affected by the future norm. The development of the ordinance is justified based on the following foundations:

1. Problems that the Ordinance is intended to solve

The financing structure of the Torrevieja Programmed Rehabilitation Environment project included in the Agreement signed between the City Council, the Generalitat and the Ministry of Transport, provides for the contribution of the three administrations and the residents. For its part, the Torrevieja City Council considers that specific particular situations of the affected neighbors must be taken into account, and energy rehabilitation must be promoted in the properties included in the ERRP and that this is not affected by impossibilities in the payment of those families in a vulnerable situation, so the model chosen to execute this action will be direct management, with the City Council acting as Agent of Rehabilitation, according to its legal configuration in Royal Decree 853/2021. The purpose of the Ordinance is to promote the rehabilitation of homes with energy efficiency criteria in buildings and homes in the indicated areas of action. This municipal action falls within the framework of the traditional activity of promoting local entities, which is recognized in the Decree of June 17, 1955, which approves the Regulation of Services of Local Corporations. To do this, there must be a specific regulation that orders and determines the conditions through which the obtained subsidy is materially executed, all through the integration of the different procedures and regulations that each one of them projects on said execution.

2. Objectives of the standard

a) Determine the previous actions to be carried out prior to contracting the works projects.

b) Determine the preconditions that must be met by the properties receiving the material execution of the energy rehabilitation works.

c) Determine the actions to be carried out in the event of non-compliance with the previous conditions, referred to in the previous point.

d) Order the different actions that must be carried out in the material execution of the subsidy, both public and private in nature.

e) Determine the proper procedures.

f) Determine the models of acceptance and transfer by the owners of the properties.

g) Resolve those issues that arise from the specific circumstances of the subsidy.

3. Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions

Other possible regulatory alternatives are not contemplated given that at the municipal level, the municipal power to configure its own legal system is limited to the preparation, processing and approval of ordinances and regulations, resulting in the ordinances having citizens as their final recipients, for example. which constitutes the most appropriate way to solve the problems stated above.

Citizens, organizations and associations that consider it can send their opinions and suggestions in this regard through the general registry of the City Council through a paper application or digitally through its electronic headquarters, within 20 business days from the publication of this query on the municipal website, computed according to article 30 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Public consultation prior to the preparation of the new Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council

SUBJECT: Public consultation prior to the preparation of the new Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council .

In application of article 133.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, the Police Department submits to prior public consultation the next draft of the Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council for obtain the opinion of the subjects and representative organizations potentially affected by said future Regulation.

In this sense, section a) of article 4.1 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime, establishes that the regulatory and self-organization powers correspond to the municipalities, regulated in article 49 thereof. legal text the procedure for the approval of the Municipal Ordinances and by extension the Municipal Regulations.

For its part, the First Title of the Third Book of the Civil Code, approved by Royal Decree of July 24, 1889, regulates, within the different ways of acquiring property, the figure of occupation and more specifically article 615 of said The legal text establishes the procedure to be followed with respect to lost objects, providing that the finder of a lost object whose owner is not known must deposit it in the hands of the Mayor of the Town where the discovery was verified.

Currently, the lost property service is managed by the Torrevieja Local Police, a department to which a large number of lost belongings arrive daily from people who reside and visit our city and which are delivered to the Agents or to the Headquarters.

Until now, there was no Regulation that established the procedure in the processing of lost objects from their delivery to the Local Police until their return to their owner or, where appropriate, integration into the municipal patrimony once the period of 2 years that had elapsed. establishes article 615 of the Civil Code itself.

There is therefore a need to provide legal security not only to the people who have lost their belongings, but also to the Local Police Agents themselves who collect the lost objects or who carry out the processing of the location, delivery or, where appropriate, incorporation procedure. to municipal heritage, this Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council is promoted by Inspector S-03.

In order to facilitate public consultation prior to the preparation of said Regulation, it is published on the municipal website of the Torrevieja City Council in the section “Draft Regulations and Ordinances. Previous Public Consultations” at the address , as well as on the Municipal Edict Board.

Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be formulated through the following channels within a period of 20 business days from the day following publication on the municipal web portal and on the Municipal Edict Board:

- By writing or email to .

- By writing to the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council in person or via electronic office.

The Deputy Police Councilor.


Prior to the elaboration of the project or draft law or regulation, a public consultation will be held to obtain the opinion of the most representative subjects and organizations potentially affected by the future regulation regarding:

a) The problems that are intended to be solved with the initiative.

b) The need and opportunity for its approval.

c) The objectives of the standard.

d) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions.

EDICT Plant for temporary storage and transfer of algae and pruning within the scope of the municipal public service for waste collection (Exhibition to the public)

As it is an activity subject to environmental impact assessment, the file must be submitted to public information for a period of not less than 20 days so that natural or legal persons, neighborhood associations and those who deem it appropriate, make the allegations they deem appropriate according to the: Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities in the Valencian Community.