SUBJECT: Public consultation prior to the preparation of the new Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council .
In application of article 133.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, the Police Department submits to prior public consultation the next draft of the Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council for obtain the opinion of the subjects and representative organizations potentially affected by said future Regulation.
In this sense, section a) of article 4.1 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime, establishes that the regulatory and self-organization powers correspond to the municipalities, regulated in article 49 thereof. legal text the procedure for the approval of the Municipal Ordinances and by extension the Municipal Regulations.
For its part, the First Title of the Third Book of the Civil Code, approved by Royal Decree of July 24, 1889, regulates, within the different ways of acquiring property, the figure of occupation and more specifically article 615 of said The legal text establishes the procedure to be followed with respect to lost objects, providing that the finder of a lost object whose owner is not known must deposit it in the hands of the Mayor of the Town where the discovery was verified.
Currently, the lost property service is managed by the Torrevieja Local Police, a department to which a large number of lost belongings arrive daily from people who reside and visit our city and which are delivered to the Agents or to the Headquarters.
Until now, there was no Regulation that established the procedure in the processing of lost objects from their delivery to the Local Police until their return to their owner or, where appropriate, integration into the municipal patrimony once the period of 2 years that had elapsed. establishes article 615 of the Civil Code itself.
There is therefore a need to provide legal security not only to the people who have lost their belongings, but also to the Local Police Agents themselves who collect the lost objects or who carry out the processing of the location, delivery or, where appropriate, incorporation procedure. to municipal heritage, this Municipal Regulation of Lost Objects of the Torrevieja City Council is promoted by Inspector S-03.
In order to facilitate public consultation prior to the preparation of said Regulation, it is published on the municipal website of the Torrevieja City Council in the section “Draft Regulations and Ordinances. Previous Public Consultations” at the address , as well as on the Municipal Edict Board.
Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be formulated through the following channels within a period of 20 business days from the day following publication on the municipal web portal and on the Municipal Edict Board:
- By writing or email to .
- By writing to the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council in person or via electronic office.
The Deputy Police Councilor.