Participation of citizens in the procedure for preparing the regulations for the new regulation relating to the creation and operation of the Technical Commission for Social Intervention, the Technical Commission for the evaluation and monitoring of Economic Benefits and the Organizational Technical Commission.
In application of article 133.1 of Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, the Department of Social Welfare submits to prior public consultation the next preparation of a draft REGULATION FOR THE NEW REGULATION RELATING TO THE CREATION AND OPERATION OF THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL INTERVENTION, THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND THE TECHNICAL ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE .
In accordance with the applicable regulations, the problems that are intended to be solved with the initiative, the need and opportunity for its approval, the objectives of the standard and the possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions are described in the REPORT ATTACHED below. .
Suggestions and contributions to this prior public consultation may be made within 20 business days from the day following the publication of this report on the Torrevieja City Council web portal.
And through some of the following channels of participation:
a) Addressed to the following email: jnss@torrevieja.eu
b) In the General Registry of the Torrevieja City Council