Program to promote indefinite hiring of vulnerable groups (ECOVUL)

Beneficiaries: private employer entities including self-employed workers

Full-time initial indefinite contract. In the case of people with severe functional diversity, contracts that, regardless of the percentage they represent over the usual working day, have a working day of at least 15 hours per week will be eligible (in this case the aid will be reduced proportionally).

Coverage: 90% (general nature), 95% (woman or person with functional diversity) or 100% (severe functional diversity, woman victim of violence against women or other special circumstances) of the minimum interprofessional salary (increased with the proportional part of the extra pay) for the 24 months of the maintenance of the contract

Recruitment of the following profiles: People in a situation or at risk of social exclusion, accredited by the Social Services of any public administration; long-term unemployed people; people older than 50 years; people with functional diversity; women victims of gender violence; women victims of sexual violence; trafficked women; female heads of single-parent households

Application deadline: up to two months after contracting and always until 05/31/2023

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