Aid for the description and digitization of archives with documentary heritage older than >40 years 🇪🇺


  • Description, digitization, conservation and restoration: identification and description of documentary collections, digitization, conservation and restoration of documents
  • Infrastructures and equipment: furniture, conservation materials, computer equipment (hardware and software), digitization equipment, etc.
  • Training and projects for the dissemination of descriptive and documentary information: organization of courses or training sessions, and/or organization of activities or creation of web sites and pages for the dissemination of repositories with documentary information


  • Private non-profit entities, cultural and educational associations and political, union or religious organizations; and public universities and other institutions, and centers of the educational sector managed by the public Administrations that guard or manage documentary funds >40 years old, legally constituted and registered in the corresponding public registry
  • Public foundations that guard documentary collections that are members of the Spanish documentary heritage

Coverage: up to 80% with a maximum of €18,000

Application deadline: 2:00 p.m. on 08/18/2023

Justification deadline: 12.31.2023

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