Subsidies for non-profit Cultural Associations of Torrevieja

Beneficiaries: Non-profit Cultural Associations, attached to the area of competence of this Municipal Institute of Culture, whose purpose is the "carrying out of teaching, animation, management and dissemination projects of local culture in all its facets carried out during 2023" .

Purpose: to contribute to the promotion of culture and local traditions, with the intention of the IMC "Joaquín Chapaprieta" subsidizing projects that have already been carried out to enhance, in this way, the management capacity of the different cultural associations of the city.

Areas of action:

1.- Programs for the dissemination of local photography.

2.- Programs for the diffusion of local traditions in the neighbourhoods.

3.- Dissemination programs of the processional parades in the district of Torrelamata.

4.- Dissemination programs of local crafts.

5.- Programs for the dissemination of local culture.

6.- Dissemination programs for neighborhood festivals.

7.- Musical teaching and diffusion programs.

8.- Teaching and dissemination programs for performing arts.

9.- Teaching and dissemination programs for pictorial arts.


1.- Being a non-profit association whose field of action is cultural action in the fields of action included in the sixth base.

2.- Be registered in the Municipal Registry of Associations of the Torrevieja City Council.

3.- That they have carried out their activity in the Municipality at least two years prior to the end date of the period for presenting instances of this call.

4.- Have a headquarters or delegation in Torrevieja or Torrelamata.

5.- That they have a sufficient structure to guarantee the fulfillment of their objectives and those of the project submitted to this call.

6.- That the project presented has been related to the Association's own activity.

7.- Be up to date with your obligations with the Social Security, with the Tax Agency and with the Local Municipal Treasury.

8.- To have technically and economically justified the subsidies that have been granted in previous years.

Application deadline: May 19, 2023

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