Subsidies for care and prevention of drug addiction and other addictive disorders

Beneficiaries: local entities and non-profit entities that own centers, services and/or manage programs and activities regarding prevention, care, rehabilitation and/or social reintegration of drug addicts or other types of addictions in the territorial area of the Valencian Community

Purpose: financing of current expenses and personnel of the following centers, services and programs:

a.- The Drug Addiction Assessment and Support Units (UVAD), including direct care in police stations.

b.- Day Centers (CD) of local entities.

c.- The Low Demand Intervention Centers (CIBE).

d.- Programs aimed at addressing pathological gambling.

e.- The Community Prevention Units for Addictive Behaviors (UPCCA) of local entities.

F.-. Programs for the prevention of drug addictions and other addictions, provided that the latter are developed, within the Valencian Community, by non-profit institutions.

g.- Programs carried out by self-help associations in matters of alcoholism, which exclusively carry out mutual aid programs.

Application: January 28, 2024

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