Tomorrow the deadline for submitting applications for subsidies to sports entities of the town for the year 2021 opens

Those interested will have 10 business days to submit their requests through the ELECTRONIC HEADQUARTERS of the Torrevieja City Council
The total amount approved is 350,000 euros for the subsidy of sports clubs and 20,800 euros for the subsidy of sporting events and activities

On June 29, 2021, the bases for the subsidies for the Sports Clubs of the town annuity 2021 were approved, and the bases for subsidies for Sports Events and Activities annuity 2021. The bases are published on the BDNS and on the municipal website http: //

The Councilor for Sports of the Torrevieja City Council informs that today, Monday, July 12, the extracts of the bases have been published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) and, as of tomorrow, those interested will have 10 business days to to be able to present their requests through the ELECTRONIC OFFICE of the Torrevieja City Council.

The total amount approved is 350,000 euros for the subsidy of sports clubs and 20,800 euros for the subsidy of sporting events and activities.

The most significant changes compared to previous years are:

  • The subsidy item for sports clubs is reduced from 400,000 to 350,000 euros, because the City Council, through a contract with a service company, has provided the monitors of the municipal sports schools, thus releasing a very important financial burden to the clubs of Torrevieja.
  • The sports club grant is processed as a single grant line. Previously there were two lines (baseline and performance).
  • In the subsidy of sports clubs, the scores for sports licenses and the scores for the participation of men and women in the entity have been modified. This encourages the participation of women in local sports and clubs.
  • The subsidy for sports events and activities has gone from 40,000 to 20,800 euros, mainly due to the cancellation of a large part of the sporting events due to COVID-19.
  • The presentation is made as the previous year at the Electronic Office of the Torrevieja City Council.
  • All annexes have been improved to facilitate their understanding and completion.