This Sunday the feast of San Emigdio, co-patron of Torrevieja will be celebrated

The Plaza del Calvario Association will celebrate, as is traditional, the festival of San Emigdio, co-patron of Torrevieja and protector against earthquakes. It will do so with the collaboration and sponsorship of the Torreviej City Council Party Department
san emitido
It will be next Sunday, August 1, and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the organization has been forced to suppress the programming of all events that favored the largest concentration of the public, such as dances, gift raffles and the procession through the streets of the Plaza del Calvario area.

The celebration of a Campaign Holy Mass will only take place in the main square of the Parque de las Naciones, at 8:30 p.m., for which all prevention measures and safety distance will be strictly applied, thereby guaranteeing a participation according to the demands of the moment.

Later, at 9:30 p.m., the traditional Fireworks Castle will be fired.