More than 300 boys and girls, from 2 to 16 years old, have enjoyed the municipal swimming courses

The Councilor for Sports, Diana Box, reports that more than 300 boys and girls, aged between 2 to 16 years, have attended the municipal swimming courses offered by the Department of Sports of the Torrevieja City Council for the months of July and August.

The activities have complied with all the security protocols established by the council. The groups have been divided by the following ages: children between 2 and 3 years old, accompanied by an adult; from 4 to 5 years old, from 6 to 7 years old, from 8 to 16 years old, and over 16 years old. The duration of the courses has been fortnightly, except for the group of 2 to 3 years that its duration has been monthly. All those children who attended the fortnightly courses have had the option of extending their attendance a fortnight more.

At the end of the course, each participant has received a medal in recognition of their effort during their attendance at the swimming courses.