The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez, the Councilor for the Treasury, Domingo Paredes and the President of APYMECO, Jorge Almarcha, have presented this morning the third edition of the "Consumption Bonus ”, Which will begin on December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
As in the two previous campaigns, the Torrevieja City Council investment amounts to € 500,000, with an economic injection of € 1,000,000. This represents a total investment amount of € 1,500,000 by the Torrevieja City Council to the productive sectors, which transforms into an injection of € 3,000,000.
As a novelty in this third edition of the "Consumer Bonus", a period of three days will be opened to acquire the bonds in person to all those people who, in the last edition, could not acquire them. As the president of APYMECO has commented “the consumption bonus is evolving, so that it adapts more and more to the needs of citizens”. This face-to-face sale will begin on December 1, until December 3 at 2:00 p.m.
€ 150,000 have been allocated, of which 7,500 bonds of € 10 and 3,750 bonds of € 20 will be issued, for the face-to-face sale that will take place at the Office of Commerce and Occupation of Public Roads located in the “La Plasa ”(c / Joaquín Chapaprieta corner Plaza Isabel II). The sale will be open to all those people who could not acquire them in the last edition so their acquisition will be personal and non-transferable.
In the words of Eduardo Dolón “this third consumer voucher campaign, as we already announced after the success of the second edition, will be available to all people who could not purchase vouchers 2.0, this means that the people who acquired the vouchers in the second campaign will not be able to do it, since these DNIs will be restricted ”.
It will be necessary to request a prior appointment to go to the office, as of Monday, November 29, the appointment can be acquired at the Office of Commerce and Occupation of Public Roads, the place where the vouchers will be acquired in person. To carry out this service, the office will have two people from the APYMECO association. An information telephone number 965 07 43 10 has also been set up, as well as a technical support service by telephone (617 294 443) and email (soporteapymeco@gmail.com).
The face-to-face sales hours will be Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 from 09: 00-14: 00 hours and from 16: 00-20: 00 hours, Friday, December 3 will be from 09: 00-14: 00 hours. This same Friday, December 3, the online sale will be opened to all people who could not acquire the voucher in the second edition from 4:00 p.m. The vouchers can be exchanged until December 31. Unlike the bonuses of the second campaign that are valid until December 15. For this, the date will be indicated in a larger size on the bonds.
The online acquisition of bonds for those who could not acquire them in the last edition will begin on Friday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. and will end on Thursday, December 9. Starting at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 9, the system will open for all people, without restriction of ID.