More than 1,000 people will camp starting tomorrow in the "José Eduardo Gil Rebollo" Recreational Area

The camping period will be from tomorrow, Thursday, April 14 to Monday, April 25, both inclusive.
The councilor responsible for Parks and Gardens of the City Council of Torrevieja, Carmen Gómez Candel, informs that this year for the traditional camping in the Municipal Recreational Area "Eduardo Gil Rebollo" (formerly Parque "Lo Albentosa") during the days of Holy Week and Easter , a total of 1,024 people and 339 tents have been registered by means of a general instance in the electronic headquarters of the City Council ( During this year 2022 the camping period will be from tomorrow, Thursday, April 14 to Monday, April 25 (San Vicente Ferrer), both inclusive.

Gómez Candel has highlighted the large number of requests registered for this Holy Week, mainly due to the enormous desire to camp in this great natural recreational area after two years without being able to do so due to the pandemic caused by COVID 19.

All the people who will camp in the “Eduardo Gil Rebollo” Municipal Recreational Area have had to attach a declaration of responsibility in which they undertake to take responsibility for any type of damage that may be caused, not to make electrical connections to public lighting and to respect the Ordinance Regulator of Green Zones, Natural Areas and Road Trees, complying with it in all its terms. This ordinance, regarding the protection of plant elements, prohibits any manipulation of trees and plants, throwing garbage and waste and lighting fires.

Finally, the Councilor for Parks and Gardens has reported that numerous portable toilets have been installed for all the people who are going to be camping in this large natural area located next to the Lagunas de Torrevieja and La Mata Natural Park.