Eladio Rivero Sçanchez achieves the Guinness record for the largest number of miniature chairs

The judges of the Guinness World Records have certified this record for the construction and collection of 4,180 miniature chairs
Eladio Rivero Sánchez has achieved this afternoon the Guinness record certification for his 4,180 chairs that he has built and collected over the last 25 years, by the two Guinness World Records judges, Víctor Fenés and Anouk De Timary, who have moved to the Torrevieja Municipal Leisure Center (CMO). The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, who has been accompanied by the Councilor for Elderly People, Inmaculada Montesinos, the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, and the Mayor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, have witnessed such an event.