The City Council finalizes the award of a new contract of more than one million euros for batches of food and essential products for families in vulnerable situations

The consistory will allocate 1,039,593 euros to this third aid plan as a continuation of those developed in 2020 and 2021, and which involved a municipal investment of more than 1.5 million euros
alimentos solidarios
As on the two previous occasions, the Department of Ongs and Volunteers has the essential collaboration of some of the city's humanitarian entities for the distribution of the lots, in this case Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja and the Local Assembly of the Spanish Red Cross

The Torrevieja City Council is going to award a new contract for the delivery of batches of food supplies and basic hygiene products to people in vulnerable situations. The Local Government Board (JGL) has approved, as the councilor secretary of this body, Federico Alarcón, has announced, the processing for the third time in this municipal mandate, of a contract that has been promoted by the Ong Department ´s and Volunteering in collaboration with the Social Welfare.

Specifically, the relevant documentation has been required for the award to the companies that have been proposed by the Contracting Board as the most advantageous offers for municipal interests. This new program for the delivery of basic necessities will involve an investment of 1,039,593 euros, which will be used to distribute a total of 22,500 lots in one year. In a broken down manner, 15,000 lots of food and 7,500 lots of hygiene and cleaning products will be awarded.

The contract is divided into a total of five lots, with the proposed companies being Juan Fornés Fornés SA for numbers 1 and 4 of non-perishable food and bakery. For lot 2 of fresh products, Central Logística Campos Leiva SL The number 3 of fruits and vegetables, the Torrevieja company, Gabriel Vicente Martínez López SL In lot 5, the tiebreaker will be processed between the merchants, Muñoz Bosch SLU and Fumisan SL

The Councilor for Ong's and Volunteering, Concha Sala, recalled that the Torrevieja City Council was a pioneer in the year 2020 in the creation of this batch emergency aid, in order to face the situation in which a large number of people were left due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. In 2021, a new contract was articulated again that was in force until last year 2022. Between the two, 1,544,982 euros were invested, delivering a total of 36,000 lots.

Concha Sala has stressed that, following the instructions of the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the granting of these aids has been reshaped, which in its day became one of the most important in the country and, on this occasion, the existence of families in Torrevieja who urgently need them has continued to be detected. This has been technically validated by the corresponding Social Worker of the City Council. This is an emergency measure for those family units that cannot access other types of aid and that will be evaluated and referred by the Department of Social Welfare, directed by Tomás Ballester.

As on the other two occasions, the Department of Ongs and Volunteers has the essential collaboration of some of the city's humanitarian entities for the distribution of lots. In this case, it will be Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja and the Local Assembly of the Spanish Red Cross, who will deliver these batches of municipal aid to their own facilities once every fortnight.