The CEEI of Valencia will host the Conference Boost your business with R+D+i. Protection of property and financing on March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
This conference will explain how innovation can be identified, how it can be protected and how the resources we use in our R+D+i activities can be optimized.
- Know the different types of Industrial and Intellectual Property.
- Identify which affect our projects
- Learn about the protection of innovation in Spain, our ecosystem
- Using technological surveillance as a strategic tool
- Tax incentives R + D + i and bonuses to the SS
- Aid available in R+D+i
- Innovative SME Seal
Request for CEEI Bilateral Meetings: At the end of the day, you can request meetings with CEEI technicians, for advice on the subjects of the day.
You can enroll in CEEI Valencia .