Having died today Mr. Tomás Ricardo Ballester Herrera, who was Councilor of the city of Torrevieja during the years 2011 to 2023, and who also stood out for his selfless work in favor of so many groups and countless families in the city .
In recognition of his figure, as well as a sample of mourning.
For all these reasons, and within the framework of the powers reserved to the Mayor President, in accordance with the provisions of art. 124.b) of Law 7/85, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, which attributes to it the exercise of political leadership, government and municipal administration, without prejudice to the powers that this law grants to the Local Government Board,
FIRST.- Decree official mourning in the city of Torrevieja from midnight on March 5, 2023, until 11:59 p.m. on the same day. During this period the external flags of the municipal buildings will fly at half mast.
SECOND.- Show the condolences of the city of Torrevieja to the family of Mr. Tomás Ricardo Ballester Herrera.
THIRD.- Notify the present Decree to the representatives of the municipal groups.
FOURTH.- Publish this resolution on the municipal notice board, as well as on the
website of the City Council for greater knowledge of the residents of the municipality.