The great Chinese circus, Mago Yunke and Estrella Morente are part of the Cultural program of the next four-month period of Cultura Torrevieja

The "Youth Day" of Cultura Torrevieja is launched, with a special discount for people under 35 years of age, on the first Friday of each month, at the Municipal Theater box office

The Councilor for Culture of the Torrevieja City Council, Antonio Quesada, accompanied by Lalo Díez, director of Torrevieja Culture, and the coordinator of the "Joaquín Chapaprieta" Municipal Institute of Culture, Manuel Esteban Moreno, have presented the Cultural Program of the next quarter (May, June, July and August), as well as the results of the first quarter.

Among the novelties that have been presented is the launch of the Youth Day, a discount for people under 35 years of age that will be applied at the Municipal Theater box office on the first Friday of each month. The objective of this initiative is none other than to bring the theater closer to the younger audience. The “Friends of Culture” program continues, as well as the discount for retirees and the subscription plan that was already launched in the first four-month period of the year. As for the children's revitalization activities on the last Sunday of the month, they will continue for the next four months, and the proceeds will go to the local NGO "ADENIS".

Regarding cultural events, the month of May will begin with humor with the comic "Martita de Graná" at the Municipal Theater, on the 6th. The great musicals continue, such as "Cruz de Navajas", which will take place in the Torrevieja auditorium from May 11-14. The month of May will close with the performance of Pantomime Full on the 19th, and the soprano Ainhoa Arteta, on the 27th

El Mago Yunke will bring magic to the Municipal Theater on June 16, while the laughter will be in charge of the monologue Ángel Martín, on the 11th. El Brujo and Estrella Morente will also be part of the program for the month of June. Two musicals have been programmed for the little ones, the first will take place on June 10, “Sherlock”, and the adventures of “Tadeo Jones” will hit the stage at the municipal theater on July 1.

More than 51 events are planned for the next four months, such as the Chinese Acrobatic Circus, performances by local academies and associations and, of course, the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest.