3rd Pitch Competition Women Edition

Give visibility and offer resources to innovative projects promoted by women; call until May 14

AticcoLab announces Call for Startups for the third edition of the Pitch Competitions Women Edition in Madrid and Barcelona.


Recently created startups with an innovative project (but not necessarily digital) and that have at least one woman in the founding team of the project.


  • Sunday, May 14 , 2023 at 11:59 p.m.: Closing of the call
  • Wednesday, May 17 , 2023: Announcement of the finalists for the Pitch Competition
  • Wednesday, May 24 , 2023: Inspirational Workshops + Pitch Competition Barcelona Event
  • Thursday, May 25 , 2023: Inspirational Workshops + Pitch Competition Event Madrid


Two winning projects will be selected, one in the Pitch Competition in Barcelona and the second in the Pitch Competition in Madrid . The two winning projects will also obtain:

  • Video/written interview that will be disseminated in all the communication channels of the promoters and collaborators.
  • 1 online mentoring session with a mentor from the network of more than 200 AticcoLab mentors.
  • 3 months of free membership in Aticco coworking spaces in Madrid or Barcelona for a maximum of 2 co-founders.
  • Possibility of directly accessing the 5-month acceleration program of AticcoLab.
  • An on-demand course of your choice with our partner allWomen tech valued at €500.

More other prizes that will update soon.


Period open until May 14 , 2023 at 11:59 p.m. The request is made through AticcoLab.