Supernovae | Rocket Up

Growth program to support women-led tech startups and scaleups to achieve successful international expansion in Europe

In order to grow in Europe, startups must go through an internationalization process. Each market launch requires a specific path according to its history, characteristics, needs and objectives. That's why at Rocket Up we offer a personalized program, combining inspiring and insightful group sessions with handpicked exceptional mentors to help you achieve your goals in your destination.

We want to boost your startup and help you become the leader and role model of the future.


  • Startups: highly innovative, scalable and impactful companies
  • Growth Stage: Bootstrapped – Seed, Pre Series A
  • Women-led: With a woman in a leadership position.
  • European Based on Horizon Europe partner countries.
  • Mobility, Food or Manufacturing Industries: Topics covered by EIT Urban Mobility, Food and Manufacturing.


  • An academic perspective on how to expand internationally,
  • Personalized mentoring with carefully selected business and regional experts,
  • Access to respective KIC networks and other financial opportunities,
  • A network of women founders,
  • Organized mission to the target region, providing you with contacts at your destination
  • Visibility through the EIT communication channels.


  • Breakout Sessions: Lessons on expanding a business beyond its home borders with a structured perspective, valuable insights, and examples, delivered by international expansion experts, including online interaction and peer-to-peer learning.
  • 1:1 tutoring
    • Business Mentor : Personalized business mentor for a broader business perspective, to further work on what has been learned in group sessions.
    • Regional advisor : Profile selected in the European region where the start-up prioritizes expansion, to obtain advice in the local market, relevant contacts and identify potential stakeholders. Promote a MISSION in the target region.
  • EIT Connection: A representative from the EIT KIC is assigned to explain possible additional collaborations within the community.


The period is open until June 9 , 2023 at 11:00 p.m. (CET) and is formalized through the Supernovas platform.