The City Council restores 80 petanque pitas in the municipality of Torrevieja

The Department of Sports invests 48,400 euros in the remodeling of these tracks

The Councilor for Sports of the Torrevieja City Council, Diana Box Alonso, reports that the restoration of a total of 80 petanque courts located throughout the municipal area of the town has already been carried out. Diana Box has explained that these remodeling works have been carried out through a contract of 48,400 euros (VAT included) having been the execution period of two months.

The 80 remodeled tracks have been carried out in: Plaza de Las Abejas, Plaza Argólidas, Plaza de Europa, Plaza de la Marina Española, Plaza Mar Azul, Plaza Sevilla, San Roque neighborhood and those that are installed in the Las Torretas urbanizations , Cabo Cervera, Los Balcones and La Siesta.

Finally, the Councilor for Sports has highlighted that the practice of this sport in the city of Torrevieja has many fans, mainly older people and both Spanish and international residents, so the City Council intends that all areas and urbanizations of the municipal term of Torrevieja have