On the morning of Thursday, June 8, the solidarity action prior to the pandemic has been resumed, where, on this occasion, the SICTED companies (Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination) have collected numerous non-perishable foods in favor of AMFA , Torrevieja social store for people in vulnerable situations.
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the Councilor for Tourism and Deputy Mayor of the Town Hall, Rosario Martínez, and the president of AMFA Torrevieja, Mari Carmen Mora, have attended this III Solidarity Meeting of SICTED Companies, in which they have been able to share the experiences of all participants.
Firstly, the Improvement Group took place, whose objective is to generate collective initiatives for the integral improvement of the destination. The SICTED model offers the possibility of creating discussion and debate groups (improvement groups) in which the different agents involved in the tourist activity participate and in the SICTED model for the identification, proposal and implementation of improvements in the destination.
Subsequently, the Torrevieja Tourism Center (CdT) has offered a rice tasting to all the companies that participate in the SICTED project, which is promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces ( EMFF). Its main objective is to achieve a homogeneous level of quality of tourist services, both those that are strictly touristic and those that, without being so, contribute to the formation of the tourist experience of the destination.
Torrevieja adhered to this system in 2014, in which Turisme Comunitat Valenciana finances the training, advice and evaluation services that the implementation of said system entails, so it does not imply any cost for tourist services; all this through the collaboration agreement that the autonomous administration maintains with the Chambers of Commerce of Alicante
Currently in Torrevieja there are 75 distinguished companies and another 17 new ones have begun training and advice for the December committee.
It is a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism (SETUR), with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), which works with tourist services of up to 37 different trades, with the ultimate goal of improving the tourist experience and satisfaction.
The SICTE Destinos-SICTED is a methodology that provides a comprehensive and permanent quality management system in a tourist destination. In the two solidarity meetings that took place prior to the pandemic, a delivery was made to Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja and the second meeting served to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association of Family and Friends of Torrevieja, and thanks to a large part of the contribution of Amigo 24, it was possible to donate a transfer crane to the association.