Torrevieja currently has 96,905 inhabitants registered in the municipal census

Citizens from Ukraine, with 6,939 registered residents, continue for the second consecutive year to be the residents with the greatest presence in the municipal census, ahead of Russia (5,540) and the United Kingdom (4,910), which have historically been the most numerous in Torrevieja
It should be noted that in just seven months, from January to July 2023, a total of 1,168 Ukrainians have been registered in the city, mainly due to the Russian invasion in this country, which began in February 2022.

The city of Torrevieja currently has a total of 96,905 inhabitants registered in its census, according to the statistical data on population and evolution of the Municipal Register of the City Council, of which 51.9% are of Spanish origin (50,268). , while 48.1% (46,637) are residents from a total of 122 countries on five continents.

As significant data, the growth of registered people throughout this year stands out, a total of 5,174 since January 2023, the date on which 91,731 registered inhabitants were counted. At this rate, it is expected that by the end of this year the figure of 100,000 registered in the city can be reached.

The number of men registered in the census in Torrevieja amounts to 47,128 (48.63%), while 49,777 (51.37%) are women, having counted to date in 2023 a greater number of registered women than men.

From these data provided by the Department of Census and Statistics of the Torrevieja consistory, it can be verified that citizens from Ukraine, with 6,939 registered residents, continue for the second consecutive year to be the residents with the greatest presence in the municipal census, ahead of Russia ( 5,540) and from the United Kingdom (4,910), which have historically been the most numerous in the town. It should be noted that in just seven months, from January to July 2023, a total of 1,168 Ukrainians have been registered in the city, mainly due to the Russian invasion of this country that began in February 2022.