The Local Police carried out this past weekend preventive alcohol and drug controls

policia local

The Councilor for Police, Security and Emergencies of the Torrevieja City Council, Federico Alarcón, informs that throughout the past weekend several preventive controls for alcohol and drugs have been carried out on Avenida de Rosa Mazón and at the roundabout on Avenida de Delfina Viudes, both very close to one of the busiest nightlife areas in the city.

In the early hours of Friday, August 25, on Avenida de Delfina Viudes, the control of the Local Police resulted in a total of four administrative complaints for breathalyzer, two complaints for different traffic offenses and the investigation of a crime for lack of driver of the vehicle driving license.

On the other hand, on Saturday, August 26, on Avenida de Rosa Mazón, a total of 12 vehicles were checked, with a balance of four complaints for positive breathalyzers, three administrative sanctions and one criminal offense for driving with a rate of alcohol higher than 0.60. In addition, complaints were made by ITV with four deposited vehicles.

Finally, throughout the morning of Saturday a driver was also denounced for testing positive for alcohol and drugs.