Tomorrow 70 scholarships for the development of musical talent "Ricardo Lafuente Aguado" will be awarded at the Palace of Music


The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero; the mayor of Culture, Antonio Quesada, and the person responsible for the project and director of the “Maestro Francisco Casanovas” Professional Conservatory of Music, María Ortigosa, will deliver tomorrow, Friday, October 6, at 5:00 p.m., at the Palacio de la Music, 70 scholarships aimed at developing musical talent for Elementary Education students at the Conservatory.

The scholarships awarded to these 70 students not only recognize the effort and dedication of these young talents, but also include a valuable batch of books on the subject of Musical Language to support their academic training. The 3MAP Music Association, responsible for the project, is proud to contribute to the growth and excellence of music education in the city, thus promoting the love of music and the development of future musicians.

This event represents an important milestone in the continuous commitment of the 3MAP Musical Association and the Department of Culture of the Torrevieja City Council with the promotion of musical talent in our city and underlines the importance of investing in the future of music and musical education in our community