Lead the digital transformation of your company. Course in Alcoi

programa generacion digital

Would you like to improve your company's digital skills but you don't know how to do it?

From Labpyme, CEEI, FEDAC Federacion Empresarial de l'Alcoia Comtat and JOVEMPA Alcoia Comtat we have the solution. We have launched this free hybrid course for managers so that you acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to lead the digital transformation of your company.

This program will allow you to understand the importance of digital transformation and design and execute your own business digitalization plan.

The 'Digital Generation SMEs' program is an initiative financed by the EU (NextGenerationEU) and managed by the EOI Foundation, an entity attached to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism through the General Secretariat of Industry and SMEs.


Throughout more than 130 hours of training you will learn to:

  1. transform your company to the digital framework
  2. Build customer loyalty by optimizing their experience
  3. adopt technologies that allow you to better connect with your customers and automate processes
  4. acquire competitive advantages
  5. create an action plan for your company

In addition, you will have 10 hours of individual and personalized mentoring for you

HOW MUCH IS IT GOING TO COST ME? NOTHING ! It is 100% free (you will also obtain a university degree from UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia valued at more than €10,000).

You will pay nothing for it is fully subsidized by the EU (NextGenerationEU) and managed by the EOI Foundation.


We start on November 17 and will end on April 26.

This is a hybrid course:

  • On Tuesdays and Thursdays the sessions will be online (34 sessions from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.)
  • and on Fridays they will be in person at CEEI Alcoy. (8 sessions from 09:30 to 14:30)

    CAN I SIGN UP? Yes yes you are:

  • worker in a company with between 10 and 249 workers
  • Your company's turnover does not exceed 50 million euros
  • You hold a managerial position or you can have a responsible declaration indicating your responsibility in the company
  • THAT I HAVE TO DO? Click on the blue registration button and from there, we will take care of the rest.

More information at CEEI