Quarterly report. The Valencian Community is approaching 70,000 self-consumption facilities


According to a new quarterly report published by the General Directorate of Energy and Mines, the Autonomous Community reached 69,757 self-consumption installations during the month of September, 69,390 individual and 379 collective.

This statistic, taking into account the volumes published in the last quarter, represents an increase of 6,068 installations , that is, a growth of 8.7%.

Likewise, the report indicates that these projects are associated with 71,824 consumers , a growth similar to that of installations (8.51%) with the figures for June of this year, when 65,710 were presented.

Within the first nine months of the year , the Valencian Community added 23,538 new self-consumption installations , higher than everything developed in 2021, 2020 and 2019, but still behind the 30,369 in 2022.

Separating these new developments by the provinces where they were built , it appears that the majority are found in Alicante, with 31,841 , followed by Valencia with 31,263 and Castellón with 6,656 .

On the power side , the report highlights that renewables represent 795,336 MW of the total 928,483 MW, with 133,146 MW coming from cogeneration.

Within the green technologies are distributed: Hydroelectric with 106.60 kW (0.01%); biogas with 1.9 MW (0.21%); and finally photovoltaic with 793,283 MW (85.44%).

It should be noted that, taking into account the data from the Self-Consumption Roadmap, the Valencian Community is at 75.26% of its objectives for 2030 in terms of photovoltaic self-generation, when close to 1 GW should be achieved in this technology. .

Storage and self-consumption

Likewise, another aspect that is emphasized in this document is the growth of storage systems associated with self-consumption facilities.

According to the quarterly report of the General Directorate of Energy and Mines, 8,026 batteries have been developed in the region, with a maximum storable energy of 181,932 MWh and an output power of 52,284 MW.

In this sense, the municipality in the region with the largest number of facilities is Jávea, with 331 storage systems . In second place is Paterna, with 194 , and Alicante closes the podium, with 189 .

Collective self-consumption

On the other hand, the document focuses on collective self-consumption , pointing out a general record of 379 installations , for a power of just over 9 MW .

Likewise, it should be noted that 2023 is already a record year for this type of ventures since, during the first nine months of the year, 184 new installations were carried out , 107 during the last quarter, 40 more than the installations in all of 2022. .

Separating these figures by the municipalities where they have been carried out, Valencia occupies first place with 24 installations , followed by Alicante with 12 and Crevillent with 10.