SOMMOS connecta 2023 is the meeting where the cooperative-innovative culture is promoted in the Valencian business fabric.
In the same place and at the same time, the latest trends in innovation are made visible and the community of companies with a vocation for cooperation in the field of innovation is strengthened.
Many companies already have innovation in their DNA. It is an impulse that has no return.
SOMMOS connecta 2023 is also people's assessment. Of the talent dedicated to seeking more sustainable and humanistic alternatives.
SOMMOS connecta 2023 opens the era of innovative intelligence .
CEEI Valencia initiative, promoted and financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), within its policy of supporting innovative entrepreneurship.
DATE: Tuesday, November 21 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: La Rambleta (South Boulevard corner Calle Pío IX, s/n)
PRICE: free upon registration for each of the sessions you wish to attend
More information at CEEI