Paula Sánchez, from the consulting firm Smart To People, addressed a diverse audience, including citizens, professionals in the construction sector, representatives of SMEs and other groups potentially interested in the energy transition.
Previously, a working breakfast took place at the Real Club Náutico to facilitate a first contact between institutional, economic and social agents with potential interest in the process of energy transition towards self-consumption from renewable sources, particularly photovoltaic solar energy. Among them, the local company Solar Model -located in the Casagrande Business Park-, the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús parish -has roofs with notable potential for photovoltaic generation- and the EnerCoop Group, a national benchmark in the electrical cooperative sector.
The day satisfied its protagonists, who agreed that it was of great interest and very productive as a starting point in the long road ahead to realize the enormous potential of thousands of roofs in Torrevieja in the production of photovoltaic solar energy. which will mean an improvement in the environment, savings in family bills and improvement in the competitiveness of businesses and companies.
Soon the municipal team involved, the consulting firm Smart To People and companies and technicians who have decided to collaborate with the project will have the opportunity to meet with local property managers to analyze in detail the problem of using roofs in housing blocks and possible solutions. for the launch of self-consumption.
Towards the end of the month, the technology company UrbanImpactE is expected to present the Solar Map of Torrevieja, a detailed vision of the potential for photovoltaic energy generation in each of the buildings in the municipality.
The municipal project has received a subsidy from the Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality within the 2023 call for financing actions to implement and promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, at the local level.