Application for Family Reunification Certificate

Documentation to present:

  • Copy of the NIE or passport.
  • Copy of the property deed or rental agreement.
  • Collective registration flyer in which "Family Reunification" is stated as the reason
  • Proof of payment of the corresponding fee (the document to be able to make the payment is delivered to the Urbanismo offices by email: ).
  • Updated collective registration certificate.

Service cost:

  • 54.10 Euros (Rate).

Carrying out the electronic procedure:

  1. Download the attached application form from the "Files" tab
  2. Access the Electronic Office by clicking on the following link: Link with the Electronic Office
  3. In the available procedures select the subject "Urban planning and housing"
  4. Start the electronic processing of the Request for a Report on the adequacy of housing for Family Reunification .