The object of these bases is the regulation of the call for subsidies under a competitive competition regime, by the Torrevieja City Council, intended for the AMPAS of the municipality of Torrevieja. The support for the activity of the AMPAS aims to influence the promotion of their intervention in the educational field and, in a relevant way, in the integral formation of the students and, therefore, in their school success.
The objectives of this grant are:
-To promote the participation of the associations of mothers and fathers of the students, hereinafter AMPAS, so that they promote, organize and develop various extracurricular activities that result in the improvement of the educational quality of minors.
-Promote in the Torrevieja Primary and Secondary Education centers activities that, from leisure and free time, work on education in values of tolerance, respect, solidarity, coexistence and family co-responsibility, and favor an adequate development of children and adolescents.
-Make the use and enjoyment of school spaces profitable as an alternative resource outside school hours.
The Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Students and the Local Delegations of the Provincial Federations of Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Students (based in Torrevieja), of public centers may choose to be beneficiaries of the subsidies established in this call. and/or subsidized Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education of the municipality of Torrevieja, which have developed activities, courses, workshops, events or conferences contemplated in these bases, and meet the following requirements:
A) Be legally constituted.
B) Have headquarters, registered office or delegation in Torrevieja.
C) To appear registered in the Municipal Registry of Associations and Other Citizen Entities of the Torrevieja City Council, being up to date with the obligations inherent to it, on the date of publication of the extract of the call in the BOP of Alicante (the verification of this requirement is will do ex officio).
D) Having carried out activities, courses, workshops, events or conferences of those contemplated in these bases and within the execution period established in the Fifth Base, contributing and helping the children of Infant and Primary Education and the young people of Education Secondary school in the town to grow as people within their fundamental educational stage.
E) Be up to date, in the case of having previously received subsidies from the Torrevieja City Council, in the fulfillment of the obligations contracted by said concession, as well as the reimbursement of subsidies, as established in article 6, letter q) of the General Ordinance of Subsidies of the Town Hall of Torrevieja. This end will be accredited by means of a responsible declaration of the beneficiary, included in Annex I of the application.
F) Not be involved in any of the causes of prohibition contained in sections 2 and 3 of article 13 of the LGS. The accreditation of this point will be made by means of a responsible declaration of the beneficiary, included in Annex I of the application.
G) Be up to date in compliance with tax and Social Security obligations, and not have outstanding debts of any nature whose voluntary payment period has expired with the Torrevieja City Council, in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the General Ordinance of Subsidies of the Town Hall of Torrevieja.
The maximum grant to be awarded is 1,500 euros.
Eligible activities and execution period:
The subsidies contained in this call may be subject to the actions organized by the AMPAS that were carried out between September 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 and are related to the following:
-Activities, courses, workshops and conferences that promote the learning of languages, music, dance, body expression, traditions and painting.
-Activities, courses, workshops and conferences that promote values such as gender equality, solidarity, equal opportunities, civility, road safety education and/or respect for the environment.
-Activities, workshops and conferences that promote sports, outdoor leisure and/or healthy lifestyle habits.
-Information and training activities for families.
The processing will be done electronically. A specific procedure will be created in the electronic headquarters of the Torrevieja City Council .