The Alzheimer's Association of Relatives / Friends of Torrevieja (AFA Torrevieja) is a center designed to work with Alzheimer's patients and other neurodegenerative diseases and their families. We work to achieve certain objectives: improve the quality of life of our patients and their environment and maintain functional capacity, autonomy and independence. The basis of the work in the Association is to address deficits in motor, cognitive, sensory-perceptual and psychosocial components that affect functional performance.
Social Work Area: information and advice, processing of aid.
Psychology Area: Psychological evaluations, psychological support.
Physiotherapy Area: Physical assessment, group and individual sessions.
Cognitive Stimulation Program : set of methods and strategies that aim to optimize the effectiveness of the functioning of cognitive abilities.
Physical Stimulation Program : adapted physical exercise, allowing to maintain an adequate muscle tone and an acceptable joint range.
Recreational Workshops and Free Time Program : social integration, patients participate and get involved in recreational and leisure activities.
Novel Workshops Program : intergenerational program, the music of our time, psychosocial intervention, the memory labyrinth, stimulation with animals, cultivation table, “One, Two, Three”.