Temporary Employment Bank General Administration Janitor


  • Number of Places: Job market.
  • Classification: General Administration Janitor
  • Access
    • Turn: Free Opposition


  • Call Bases
    • Published on the Bulletin Board of the Torrevieja City Council dated 06/20/2023
  • Deadline for Submission of Instances (exclusively by telematic means through the established form)
    • 10 calendar days from the date following the announcement of this call on the Bulletin Board of the Torrevieja City Council
    • Registration period from June 21, 2023 to June 30, 2023 (both included)

  • instances
    • Link presentation of Instances.


  • provisional relationship
  • Deadline for Claims
  • Composition of the Tribunal and Final List

Exercises and Merits

  • exams
    • Exercise 1
      • Day:
      • Hour:
      • Place
    • Exercise 2
      • Day:
      • Hour:
      • Place:
  • Final score