3 Administrative positions


  • Number of Seats: 3 Seat
  • Classification: General Administration Administrative
  • Access
    • Position: S4-UA01- S15-AU2 - S9-CEC1
    • Square: 3255 - 3293 - 3294
    • Shift: Competition - Opposition - INTERNAL PROMOTION


  • Call Rules
  • Deadline for Submission of Instances
    • 20 business days counted from the day following the publication of the announcement of this call in the Official State Gazette
    • Registration period - NOT OPEN
  • Instances


  • Provisional Relationship
  • Claims Period
  • Composition of the Court and Final List

Exercises and Merits

  • Exams
    • Exercise 1
      • Day:
      • Hour:
      • Place
    • Exercise 2
      • Day:
      • Hour:
      • Place:
  • Merits
  • Final score