These are the Covid measures to comply with:
1. You must maintain a safety distance of 1.5 meters while waiting for the call.
2. Within the facilities, where the test is carried out, only the opponent may be, without companions.
3. Go with a protective mask and keep it properly placed.
4. Go with Black Pen or Black Marker and spare parts, if applicable.
5. Identify yourself with the corresponding identification document when required.
6. In the facilities there will be hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, which you must use at the entrance and exit.
7. Once the examination is over, they will be picked up by the Court or by the personnel authorized to do so and will leave the premises in an orderly manner when indicated by the Court.
8. Avoid forming huddles and groups that do not keep their distance within the facilities once the exercise is over.
9. If you need a certificate of attendance, you can request it from the Court or from the official staff there, present one after the exercise.