Antigua torre

The data referring to our first registry takes us to 1833, at that time the population of Torrevieja had 606 residents and depended on the diocese and district of Orihuela.

    On this occasion, no shortlist is formed for ordinary mayors, since these have been suppressed, and a Judge of Letters equal to the corregidores and mayors of the Kingdom having been created by royal order communicated by the Royal and Supreme Council of Castile, in whose possession is by virtue of his royal title and oath taken in said Supreme Tribune. d. Carlos de Ariza y Godinez.

It is at this time when the first population relationship is formed, which we have located. Antonio Alberola, Public Clerk of the King in his Court, Kingdoms and Lordships, of the Subdelegation of the Royal Salinas de la Mata and Torrevieja, of the Ordinary Royal Court of both Populations, Secretary of his Royal City Council, Police and Municipal Health Board, of order.

I attest: That the residents of these towns of Torrevieja and La Mata, according to the General Register practicing in the current year, which I have in sight, with their names and classes are the following...

The next census that we have evidence of is that of 1841.

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