Approval of the Regulatory Bases awards "Woman 2022"

In commemoration of March 8, International Women's Day.

The Department of Social Welfare and Equality of the City Council of Torrevieja, announces "The 2022 Women's Awards" on the occasion of the commemoration of March 8, International Women's Day.

1. Purpose.
The purpose of the Call is:
-Promote the recognition of the trajectory and achievements of women from Torrevieja.
-Recognize the work carried out by women in Torrevieja, having stood out for their career, for expressing the presence of women in areas in which they have traditionally been represented or for their work during and after the pandemic.

2. Modalities.
This edition may have two modalities:
• WOMAN 2022 Award, in recognition of a lifetime of one of the women of Torrevieja, who has stood out for her personal and professional effort, for her social vocation, for her impact on the life of the municipality.
• WOMEN IN EQUALITY Award 2022, in recognition of women in the municipality who have stood out in some public aspect (cultural, sports, professional...), for their work due to the pandemic or in some still masculinized field.

3. Candidates and presentation of candidacies
The proposed candidates will be women linked to the municipality of Torrevieja, either because their work has had a direct impact on municipal life or because they reside or develop their social and professional activity entirely in the municipality.
The candidates to obtain any of the prizes summoned for the modalities that are specified may be proposed by the citizens of Torrevieja, by any entity or municipal association.
Proposals will be submitted to the City Council at its electronic headquarters or via email, until February 28, 2022 and must contain at least the following information:
o Person or persons proposed.
o Motivation of the proposal. You can attach the documentation that is considered appropriate, a description of the work carried out and all the data that could support it.
o Linking of the proposed person with the municipality of Torrevieja.
No more than three candidacies may be submitted by the same entity or person.

4. Prize to be awarded.
The award will consist of a commemorative plaque in recognition of the award that will be presented at a public gala on March 8, 2022.

5. Jury.
For the purposes of evaluating the candidatures and awarding the 2022 Women's Awards, a Jury will be constituted made up of the following members:
o President, Mayor or person to whom it is delegated.
o Vice President: Councilor for Equality.
o Secretariat: A technician from the Department of Social Welfare and Equality.
o Two people awarded in previous calls.
o An outstanding representative for her initiative and social repercussion, of the Women of Torrevieja at the invitation of the Department of Social Welfare.
o A representative of the local media at the invitation of the Department of Social Welfare.
o An outstanding representative of the cultural sphere of the municipality at the invitation of the Department of Social Welfare and Equality.
o Up to two municipal technicians from the area of Social Welfare and Equality, designated by the Councilor for the area.
A vote will be held scoring the candidates from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest score and 1 the lowest.
In the event of a tie, a second vote will be held among the tied candidates to resolve the tie.
Minutes of the jury sessions will be drawn up and the final act of the award will be read at the public award ceremony.

6. Award ceremony.
The City Council will present the awards during the Commemorative Gala on March 8, International Women's Day.

After the approval of the awards, they will be given timely publicity in social media, in order to spread them and favor the presentation of new proposals for later years.