Subsidized financing line REACTIVE FEDER

Object: granting subsidized loans for the financing of:

•Expansion and renovation of facilities, machinery and equipment;

•Acquisition of business shares;

• Acquisition or own elaboration of intangible assets;

• Sustaining working capital

Economic conditions:

•Investments: minimum of €20,000 and maximum of €100,000 (self-employed worker), €500,000 (microenterprise, community property and civil society) and €5,000,000 (other cases)

• Working capital: maximum of €50,000 (self-employed person), €250,000 (micro-enterprise, community property and civil society) or €1,000,000 (SMEs)

• Amortization period: between 4 and 10 years with a grace period of up to two years (investment) or between 2 and 4 years with the possibility of a 100% return at the end of the operation (working capital).

•Interest: fixed at 2.03% (0% in AVANT municipalities - Valencian Anti-Depopulation Agenda, ASTREA program and in municipalities affected by the forest fires of August 2022)

•Commissions: up to 1% opening commission; no cancellation fee

•Coverage: 80% of the investment •Non-reimbursable tranche: 20% of the nominal value of the operation (expandable up to 30%)

Beneficiary persons: natural or legal persons considered a small and medium-sized company with a minimum of two years old and having at least one employee (or a self-employed worker) on the date of the application that operate in the sectors listed in Annex II

Application deadline: 12/31/2023 or until budget exhaustion