New territorial projects for vulnerable groups

Purpose: to promote the development of integrated employment projects, through the implementation of IPE itineraries, aimed at vulnerable groups with special difficulties in accessing
labor market in order to promote their employability, through actions of information, orientation, training and accompaniment or other actions
Beneficiary persons: local corporations and dependent entities, entities
supra-municipal or associations, pacts and territorial agreements for employment, non-profit professional training entities and centers, private non-profit legal entities, third sector entities, training entities
Participating groups: people in a situation or at risk of poverty, social exclusion or severe material deprivation; holders and beneficiaries of the Valencian inclusion income; women;
women victims of human trafficking; people who head single-parent or single-parent families; people with functional diversity; people >45 years; persons between the ages of 16 and 18 in a situation of guardianship or guardianship by the Generalitat; people between the ages of 18 and 24 subject to the
protection system; people participating in preparation programs for life independent of the child and adolescent protection system; trans people
Coverage: scholarships (€9.00/day assistance), public transport (up to €1.50/day assistance), conciliation (€14.12/day assistance), insurance (€25.39/participant person) + fines 900 €/personparticipants + specific unit module (€13/person and hour in training and €25/person and hour in orientation)
Application deadline : 04/25/2023 06/12/2023