The City Council and the Bar Association today commemorate the day of Free Justice and the duty shift

Free Justice consists of a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which the Spanish Constitution recognizes to citizens without resources
The vice mayor of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, the delegate of the Orihuela Bar Association in Torrevieja, Benito Sánchez Martos, and the delegate of the Duty Shift, Vanesa Ruiz Aranda, have deployed this morning, on the balcony of the Town Hall, a banner commemorating the Free Justice Day and the Duty Shift.

Rosario Martínez thanked the Bar Association for its presence in the Torrevieja town hall and highlighted the importance and good work of all the lawyers in the city.

For his part, Benito Sánchez Martos has stated that the purpose of commemorating this day is to make citizens aware of the existence of the duty shift and free justice, so that all those who do not have sufficient financial resources know what they can count on always with a justice for free.

In addition, he has emphasized the importance and sacrifice of lawyers in our society, and that every day of the year they are at the service of the citizenry, so today, July 12, is also a day to dignify the work of lawyers .

Free Justice consists of a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which the Spanish Constitution recognizes to citizens without resources.

This grant of Free Justice encompasses several aspects beyond having a lawyer and a solicitor free of charge, such as the exemption of expenses derived from a procedure such as those related to expert reports or the exemption of payment of procedural costs. in case of being condemned to it.

The Bar Associations want to highlight the social work, proximity and dedication of their professionals, to citizens especially the most disadvantaged, who undoubtedly need their attention, especially in times of serious economic difficulty such as the one that plagues us by the pandemic of the Covid.

Public duty lawyers work in all areas of law, civil, criminal, family, etc. and in recent years his work has been fundamental in the defense of mortgage debtors, in relation to the stoppage of unjustified evictions, abusiveness of mortgage clauses, the claim of unjustified expenses, and especially his intervention in the defense and guarantee of the fundamental rights of all citizens who lack sufficient resources to be able to pay the fees of a lawyer of free choice.