Torrevieja dedicates a sculpture in tribute to the victims of COVID-19

The mayor has announced that when the situation of the pandemic allows it, a great act of tribute to all the victims will be held in this same place.
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by councilors from the Government team and the spokesperson for Citizens, has discovered this morning on the Paseo Marítimo de Juan Aparicio, one of the most emblematic places of the city, a monolith in homage to all the victims of Covid-19, which bears the inscription: "Torrevieja to the victims of Covid - 19. You left alone, but you will remain forever in our memory."

This simple monument has as its main figure an iron sculpture that represents the generic name of the set of activities that have been planned for a few months under the name of "Hugs with Soul", together with the non-profit association Alarum, represented by Emi Alilaga, who has entrusted the creation of the sculpture to the artist from Crevillente, Pepe Miralles.

The mayor has announced that when the situation of the pandemic allows it, a great act of tribute to all the victims will be held in this same place, with recognition to all the people who in one way or another have made an effort to mitigate the effects of this tragedy.

The representative of the Alarum association thanked the Torrevieja City Council for echoing this project and stressed that this monolith means "the embrace of compassion, a feeling that makes us more human and allows us to understand the pain of others ”. He also pointed out that it is an action that "unites us all in the special memory of all the deceased."

Its author, Pepe Miralles, has wanted to highlight that "it has been a great responsibility for me for all that this motive entails and what I have wanted to collect is the hug in the air that symbolizes all the hugs that we have not been able to give ourselves in these times" .

The “Hugs with Soul” project is complemented with an educational objective so that the youngest, among other things, build memory and awareness about everything that happened in relation to Covid-19. In this sense, the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, has announced that "an olive tree will be planted in each educational center that will symbolize the memory of everything we are experiencing and other activities such as workshops for students will also be carried out."