13 new workers take office through the EMCORP 2021 insertion program

The mayor has highlighted that this program, together with the initiatives for training, innovation, business aid and the promotion of entrepreneurship, is part of the actions that the Torrevieja City Council, through the ADL, is carrying out to improve the possibilities of occupation of the unemployed people of Torrevieja and the economic reactivation to alleviate the COVID 19 crisis
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the deputy mayor of the City Council, Rosario Martínez, have received and welcomed the 13 new workers who have taken office today and who have been hired through the EMCORP 2021 insertion program, subsidized by LABORA , to provide them with a work experience that improves their employability.

These contracts have been made thanks to a subsidy of 266,000 euros, granted by the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor, which allows the incorporation for the next six months full-time (plus another six months of extension) in different City Council departments such as: Local Development Agency, Education, Senior Citizens, Treasury, Personnel, Social Welfare, Innovation and Youth. Specifically, they have been hired for these jobs: a lawyer, a social worker, seven administrative technicians and three administrative assistants.

The mayor has highlighted that this program, together with the initiatives for training, innovation, business aid and the promotion of entrepreneurship, is part of the actions that the Torrevieja City Council, through the ADL, is carrying out to improve the possibilities of occupation of the unemployed people of Torrevieja and the economic reactivation to alleviate the COVID 19 crisis.