The XIII Science Week presents a complete program with informative talks, fun science activities, workshops and the theatrical route "Between Salinas and Viñas"

The XIII Science Week, an informative activity organized by the Ars Creatio Cultural Association and the UMH in collaboration with CEFIRE and the Torrevieja City Council through the “Joaquín Chapaprieta” Municipal Institute, presents a complete program for the public of all ages With informative talks, fun science activities, workshops and the theatrical route "Between salt flats and vineyards" can be enjoyed in this XIII edition of the "Science Week".

1) Scientific dissemination talks: four talks during the month of November at 7:00 p.m., at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, aimed at the general public, young people and adults and, especially, students and teachers in general.

-Monday November 8: " Melanoma and its brain metastasis, keys to its prevention ", by Berta López Sánchez-Laorden, head scientist of the CSIC at the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante.

-Tuesday November 9: " The zebrafish model in science and education ", by María Luisa Cayuela, scientist at the Murcian Institute for Biomedical Research (IMIB).

-Monday November 22: " Strategies for the development of healthier meat products ", by Juana Fernández López, professor of Food Technology at the Center for Research and Innovation in Food and Agriculture (CIAGRO) of the UMH.

-Tuesday 23 November: " Genetic improvement of traditional tomato varieties ", by Santiago García Martínez, professor of Genetics at the CIAGRO of the UMH.

2) Fun Science Activities , carried out by MUDIC staff on Sunday, November 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center. There will be three workshops for young people from 8 years old to do individually or as a family:

-Augmented reality and virtual reality workshop: This workshop introduces, through the use of activities and applications, what is augmented reality, what is virtual reality and the difference between the two.

-Lavoisier workshop on chemical reactions: It is a workshop full of color, in which students will be aware of and will distinguish the chemical reactions that occur in their daily lives and the conditions that have to occur in order for them to occur.

-Simple machines workshop: Experiments are carried out with simple machines such as the lever, the gear, the pulley, or more complex machines such as motor machines. Depending on the level of the students in this workshop they learn from simple concepts such as balance, to more complex concepts such as linear speed, angular velocity, frequency, force and mechanical work, which will allow them to visually understand many of the exercises in subjects related to physics. .

Each family or person will have an individual kit with the necessary materials to carry out the experiments. Link for registration:

3) Dramatized route and tasting “Between salt flats and vineyards” . On Saturday November 20 in the Natural Park of the Lagunas de La Mata and Torrevieja. To learn the science of the salt flats and their history. The registration form will be notified shortly.

4) Workshops "Learn with Danio". In two IES in the city of Torrevieja, two workshops will be held by the company "Aprende con Danio" directed by the veterinarian María Jesús Molina Cimadevila, which conducts training workshops for educational centers using zebrafish as a basis because it is widely used in scientific research.

The workshops are:

-Workshop "Danio in secondary school", in which the direct observation of the embryonic development of the zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) is carried out, from the egg until the little fish swim out.

-Workshop "Alcohol and adolescence", in which the effects of alcohol on the brain of an adolescent are verified.

The workshops will be held during the month of November for third year ESO students at IES Mare Nostrum (week of November 22) and Las Lagunas (week of November 29). In addition, it has been offered to the Department of Education to export it to all the centers of Torrevieja that want to carry out these workshops this academic year.