Great work of the more than 30 volunteers in the vaccination center of the Municipal Leisure Center (CMO)

Any volunteer from local entities may become part of the vaccination device by contacting the telephone number 637 758 072
Within the device deployed in the Municipal Leisure Center (CMO) since it has been enabled as a Mass Vaccination Center of the city of Torrevieja, it has the collaboration of a significant number of volunteers who carry out reception work, taking temperature , hand disinfection and, above all, information, which has been highlighted by the councilor of Ong's and Volunteering of the Torrevieja City Council, Concha Sala.

The mayor has underlined the exemplary work that is being developed voluntarily by members of different associations, whose shifts are being coordinated from the Department of NGOs and Volunteering in support of the departments of Health and Emergencies.

A contribution that adds attention to the people who come to receive their vaccine, at the same time that greater security is provided in the process, in addition to the necessary order that is being so highly valued by the users of the Vaccination Center. All volunteers have received a distinctive vest so that all users can recognize them and also ask any questions they may have.

In total, more than thirty people are participating that belong to entities such as the Association of Civil Protection Volunteers, pioneers in this service, which have been joined by Asila, Alimentos Solidarios, Torrevieja Donations and Lourdes Hospitality.

The mayor of Ong's points out that any volunteer from local entities may become part of the vaccination device by contacting the telephone number 637 758 072.