The process for the election of Queen and Lady of Salt 2021/2022 begins

After two years since the last election of the salt court took place, this weekend the process for the election of the new Queen of Salt and her Bridesmaids begins. The Department of Festivities celebrates this Sunday the day of coexistence in which the jury will meet the three applicants who have appeared. They will be the ones who will succeed the current queen, Raquel Tévar Braña and her ladies, María Cases Alarcón and Cristy Guamán Correa.
reina y dama
From the celebration of this day the juries will be able to have a more direct knowledge with the applicants to be the first representatives of the Torrevieja festivities. His election and coronation, as has been customary for a few years, will occur at the dawn of the celebration of new patron saint festivities in honor of La Purísima Concepción.

The applicants are Juncal Gómez Rivero, 22 years old. He has a Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Victoria Magoñ Rodríguez, 20 years old. She studied at the IES Las Lagunas and from a very young age she has had a predilection for dance and art, as well as for the Torrevieja carnival. Marta Mesa Vizcaíno, 24 years old. He studied at the IES Mare Nostrum and has a Medium Degree in Health Emergency Technician. Feel adoration for the Torrevieja festivities.

After the first meeting of the candidates with the jury, a second meeting will soon be held in which the election that will be made public in the act of coronation and proclamation will be decided.