The amount of the aid will depend on the number of members of the family unit, the problem raised and the level of economic income, in accordance with the criteria set forth in the regulatory bases.
The term for the presentation of these grants will be open as long as there is a budget appropriation and at most until the end of the maximum justifiable period.
Beneficiaries of this aid will be natural persons who meet the following requirements:
a) Be registered in the municipality of Torrevieja.
b) Being victims of gender-based violence, who have suffered eviction from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people. For these purposes, especially vulnerable people will be considered those who hold said consideration according to the assessment issued by the primary care social services of the town hall in which the personal circumstances that advise the granting of the aid are attended and assessed, such as people with problems of mental health, functional diversity, young people formerly under the care of the Generalitat, elderly people, former prisoners, asylum seekers, vulnerable migrants and other similar situations.
c) The rented home or the property that is the object of the aid must constitute the habitual residence of the person receiving the aid.
d) In the event of a lease, the lessee or any of those who have their habitual residence in the rented dwelling must not be related in the first or second degree of consanguinity or affinity with the person who has the status of lessor of the dwelling. , except in exceptional situations justified by the social services. Nor can the lessee be a partner or participant in the natural or legal person acting as lessor.
e) Those people or cohabitation units that have a home owned or in a usufruct regime, which they can occupy after the accreditation of the condition of victim of gender violence or the eviction of their habitual residence or the consideration especially vulnerable and whose occupation is compatible with these situations.
f) Not have gross income higher than the gross amount of the IPREM calculated in 12 monthly payments, per capita income.